Eazy print roller banners and outdoor banners


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Eazy print roller banners and outdoor banners
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Padded Shelf Talkers

SKU: 12-22-7-1 Categories: ,
Artwork files can be uploaded during the checkout process.


Padded Shelf Talkers

Give your customers instance access to discount vouchers, coupons, new product information and competition entry forms with our custom printed padded shelf talkers. Choose your preferred size, pick the number of leaves in your pad – and away you go!

Customers simply tear off a page, leaving the pad for others!

Engage with customers directly and increase interest and sales with bespoke pad shelf talkers.

Padded Shelf Talker Printing Options

Pick the ideal size for your shelf display from our pricing tool. Then decide how many sheets per pad you need – it’s that simple!

We offer your pad pages in a variety of materials, including Silk, Uncoated and Gloss with a sturdy back board to ensure your pad remains adhered to the padded shelf talker at all times.

Choose shelf talker printing in black, full colour or Pantone to best match your specific brand colours.

Make your own shelf talker design with our handy shelf barker templates or opt for an in house design service.

Artwork and Design

Supplying your own artwork – Please read our Artwork Guide to ensure that the artwork you supply for your padded shelf talkers is set up correctly for print.

Professional Design Service – If you don’t have artwork one of our team of designers can create a bespoke design for you. Send your high resolution logo and all the images you would like to use and we will produce a professionally designed piece of artwork for you to approve before printing.

Select the Design Service when ordering then simply email us all your images. Please note that design will add 2 working days to our standard turnaround times.


  • Variety of sizes available
  • Silk, Gloss, Uncoated padded shelf talkers available
  • Upto 100 sheets per pad

Got a question about a shelf talker UK order? Contact us now!

155 x 75mm Padded Shelf Talker Templates

(137 KB)

Contains x2 Templates in PDF and InDesign formats. x1 for Pad artwork and x1 for Shelf Talker artwork

210 x 75mm Padded Shelf Talker Templates

(137 KB)

Contains x2 Templates in PDF and InDesign formats. x1 for Pad artwork and x1 for Shelf Talker artwork

155 x 80mm Padded Shelf Talker Templates

(137 KB)

Contains x2 Templates in PDF and InDesign formats. x1 for Pad artwork and x1 for Shelf Talker artwork

210 x 80mm Padded Shelf Talker Templates

(137 KB)

Contains x2 Templates in PDF and InDesign formats. x1 for Pad artwork and x1 for Shelf Talker artwork

Artwork Guide Readme

(1 MB)

Artwork set up read me file