Our cost-effective, free-standing display cards are the ideal way to display shop opening times, cafe price lists and promotional offers. Printed on a 2mm board, these sturdy strut cards will draw much wanted attention to your display. Add dry-wipe lamination so you can write updated prices or messaged on your boards.
Supplying your own artwork – Please read our Artwork Guide to ensure that the artwork you supply is set up correctly for print.
Professional Design Service – If you don’t have artwork one of our team of designers can create a bespoke design for you. Simply supply us with your high resolution logo and all the images you would like to use and we will produce a professionally designed piece of artwork for you to approve before printing.
Select the Design Service when ordering then simply email us all your images. Please note that design will add 2 working days to our standard turnaround times.
Should you have any questions regarding a strut cards UK or worldwide order, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.