Eazy print roller banners and outdoor banners


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Eazy print roller banners and outdoor banners
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How To Make Your Business Takeaway Friendly

We are nearly 3 weeks into Lockdown 2.0, and many businesses are struggling with the changes that November brings. Some businesses are currently only allowed to open to supply takeaway goods: pubs and restaurants can provide ‘to-go’ food and drink, with some shops even open with a small takeaway kiosk at the store entrance.

But how to make your business takeaway friendly? We take a look at the materials you need for a truly terrific takeaway experience.

How To Make Your Business Takeaway Friendly


how to make your business takeaway friendly

Go online

Nowadays it seems like everything is online! An online presence is vital for your customer base to get updates on your services and opening hours. Make sure your website prominently displays your takeaway services on the home page, create a new blog post about it and share on social media. Make it easy for your customers to learn that they can now get the product they love – just in a takeaway form!

Consider using online delivery services for your product- for example if you’re a pub or restaurant, using large, well-trusted sites and apps like Deliveroo or Uber Eats can make your takeaway food and drink extra accessible.

Bottom line- make it easy as possible for your customers to get the information that they need to order your product!


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Have effective signage

People still go on walks (maybe now more than ever!) and still drive- so don’t underestimate the value of storefront advertising.

Make sure to promote your takeaway menu prominently. Consider a large foamboard, poster or flag displaying a message: ‘Now Open For Takeaways!’ to really catch people’s attention! Make sure that you have a large scale poster in your shop, bar or restaurant front window, detailing the services and products that are available, and the contact details.

Ensure that your average passer-by cannot miss the services you are currently offering- and for further incentive, use a large scale foamboard to display an offer or discount code, perhaps for upcoming Black Friday, incentivising your potential customers!

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Give out information

Let’s be honest –  you want to target more potential costumers than just your regulars and passer-bys. Any new custom right now is a huge cause for success, so make information on your services readily available to the general public!

Creating branded flyers or leaflets with a first time order discount code can be an excellent way to bring in new custom. Remember, at the moment people are mostly spending time at home- a takeaway service might be just what they’re after! Just make sure to keep any promotional materials sterile and follow government guidelines with your distribution!

Eazy Print remains open during the November lockdown so if you have any questions on how to make your business takeaway friendly, please get in touch with any questions!