Here at Eazy Print, as manufacturers, we remain open during the Covid 19 November lockdown, but have encouraged all staff who can work from home to do so.
Over the course of 2020, more and more people have been working remotely, to keep infection rates down and to protect themselves and their colleagues, and it’s generally been a success.
This has lead to an unprecedented (word of the year) possibility of a ‘new norm’ when it comes to in-house work. Companies are realising that people can and do work efficiently from home, leading to the possibility of more flexible remote contracts in the future.
Our office staff, who are currently working remotely, have compiled their ten top tips for working at home, to help you keep motivated and productive during your distanced working, whether that be for the duration of November, or as your ‘new norm.’
Try to designate a space somewhere in your home that is just for working. It might be tempting to work from bed or on your sofa, but psychologically speaking, separating work and relaxation is crucial. The last thing you need is to associate your places of relaxation with the stresses of the working day – so keep it separate.
Make sure to move! Sitting in front of a computer all day can play havoc with your back. What would you do in the office? Make sure to take as many breaks, if not more! It doesn’t have to be a break for tea or for the toilet when you’re at home – walking a lap of your home will take a minute but will reset your brain for the tasks ahead… and your back will thank you!
Working from home can be something of a mental challenge at the start, as you’re undoubtedly surrounded by temptations. Harness that and make them your reward; perhaps at 5pm you can watch that Netflix show you’ve wanted to catch up on, or play that video game. Motivate yourself with immediate rewards- after all, with no commute, you can literally do your down-time activities the very second you finish work!
No more Tesco meal deals for you! As you’re working from home, treat lunch as an event. It’ll break up your day and make it more enjoyable. Prepare a hot meal, go for a walk around the block, have a cheeky dessert – treat yourself for lunch! No need for soggy cellophaned sandwiches.
No one sits in total silence all their working day when they work with others. So make sure to check in with your colleagues, just as you would if you were working in the same space. Emails and calls don’t have to just be work, work, work – as them about their day, what they’re doing with their spare time etc. Keep those work friendships alive!
The temptation with working from home is to have completely flexible working hours – and in principal this isn’t a problem. A major advantage from home working is that you can take that extra long lunch, and simply finish an hour later. But always start at your designated start time- it keeps your brain in the working routine and prevents procrastination!
What do you have on your desk at work? A pot plant or two? When working from home surround yourself with whatever makes you happy and is conducive to work – you can have a kettle at your right hand for endless tea, bunches of flowers to brighten your room, blankets to keep you snug… you could even have a popcorn machine! Whatever makes you happy – do it!
Not everyone lives alone – when you have other people in the house, ask them to respect your working space and try to limit interruptions. If you and your partner or housemate are both working from home, designate your individual spaces and try to come together for lunch to get some human contact. Incidentally, if you do live alone, you can always have a virtual lunch date with one of your colleagues via Zoom, Teams or other video calling software.
One massive advantage of working from home – there’s no one else to disturb. If you can work with music – do it! Music elevates your mood, helps to pass the time and keeps you motivated. Perhaps your colleagues wouldn’t appreciate your death metal or musicals of the 90s soundtracks! No problem at home… blast out those tunes!
It’s so tempting to spend your working day in your pyjamas- don’t give in to that desire! Psychologically if we stay in our pjs all day, our brains make the association with sleep, relaxation and lack of motivation. Showering and getting dressed keeps us motivated and gets us ready for the day ahead.
We hope you found our Top Ten Tips For Working From Home useful. Eazy Print remains open for orders and advice during the November lockdown. Please do get in touch with any questions or queries you may have!