At a time when we’re getting used to social distancing, working from home and planning virtual events, it would be wise for businesses to not get too comfortable. The time will come when restrictions are lifted, heralding a return for face to face interaction. If things change very quickly how will you respond to any sudden demands on commercial activities?
Will your business be prepared for an unexpected reboot to trade show events? How can you adapt your strategy now to ensure you are organised to react as quickly as possible? Keep your business ready to go with these top tips…
If you are working from home in these challenging times how is that working out for you? Once you became accustomed to the slower pace and lack of human contact are you secretly enjoying the peace and quiet? Can you ever imagine going back to the bustle of the office and demands on your time?
Very few things in life are certain but one of them is change. Sooner or later there will be a return, in some related form, to regular and socialistic work routines and along with this, postponed and newly organised trade shows and exhibition events. How is your business placed to jump into action in readiness to attend a show?
As with all things preparation is the key to success so what are you and remaining team members doing now to keep on track with your marketing strategy and attending events? It’s imperative you are ready to roll when the time is right.
When you are advised that the event you are attending has been cancelled make contact straightaway with the organisers to check if this means it will be rescheduled for next year or it has only be postponed until further notice. It’s unlikely that a new date will be decided until the current health crisis stabilises but it’s important you are at least clear with the timescales involved.
Find a reliable contact for the event and build a rapport with them, as you would if the show was going ahead. Keep the lines of communication going with regular emails requesting an update on the situation. By doing this, not only will you ensure your brand will be kept to the fore, which is advantageous when it comes to allocation of the best located booths, but also shows your genuine interest and support of the event.
Up to this point your team has worked hard to build customer enthusiasm and commitment for attending the show so it would be a shame to allow that to wain. If the event is likely to still go ahead this year, why not continue to maintain the interest and find ways to stretch out the marketing plan for the event in the interim? This needn’t be as full on as it sounds, but just to keep your business name and connection with the trade show ticking over in the minds of prospective customers will be useful in the long run.
Community spirit has taken a blow but virtual contact via the internet and on social media has become our lifeline. Why not make these work for you to maintain your community online?
Once you’ve taken care of your community it’s important to weigh up trade show equipment suppliers, earmarking one or two for use when the time comes to order.
Do you know where to go for quick, quality banner printing? Or who will honour express, next day delivery on exhibition displays? Now is the time to do your homework so you’re not left in the dust when everyone else jumps in ahead of you. Obtaining details and quotes from online printers able to produce the necessary kit on a fast turnaround is a wise strategy to adopt.
Whilst it makes sense that businesses due to attend postponed trade shows should wait for confirmation of new dates before obtaining printed materials, it would not be prudent to just wait and see what’s available at the time. Getting in early has benefits:
There are many options for quick banner printing online so choosing one that is reliable, reputable and reasonably priced is quite a challenge. Consider the benefits of choosing products from a smaller but well established business, Eazy Print, who have built their reputation over the years on producing consistently high quality banners on a fast turnaround for customers:
The Eazy Print promise:
” If you need us to work faster, then please call us and we’ll do everything we can to meet your timescales.”