Eazy print roller banners and outdoor banners


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Eazy print roller banners and outdoor banners
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Carbon Balanced Paper

carbon balanced paper

As part of our environmental commitment, Eazy Print has signed up to the Carbon Balanced Paper initiative. Although paper is renewable and recyclable and therefore sustainable, many organisations are today focused on limiting their effect on climate change through reducing their carbon impact. Carbon Balanced Paper allows organisations to achieve this goal by reducing the carbon impact of their marketing communications.

The carbon balanced paper initiative 

One of the major benefits of this scheme is the ability to use the World Land Trust logo on all marketing communication printed on Carbon balanced paper. Organisations can therefore communicate their environmental commitment to their clients through the use of this highly recognisable and trusted logo.

Eazy Print now offers a range of paper where the costs of carbon balancing are incurred by the paper manufacturer, this means there is no additional cost to the end user (our clients) for using this scheme. Included in the range is a selection of coated, uncoated and recycled paper.

This initiative is a great way for our clients to reduce their environmental impact and to prove their environmental commitment – without impacting their marketing budget.

Please contact us to find out more about this scheme.

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Written by Joanne Serellis